The charity Ethiopian Hope Trust is a registered charity with the Charities Commission in England and
Wales, reg number 1156373, the Charity is recognized by the HMRC for UK taxation relief in
accordance with HMRC codes of compliance and the Charities office is based within the Boroughs of
the City of London. The purpose of the Charity is to raise funds through the awareness of the charity's
regulated activities for the stakeholder's community both in the UK and the various districts of
Ethiopia. Details of the Charity's registered status and founders can be accessed via GOV.UK
(2015),(CC15b). This document as a proposal to be used as an instrument of clarification for stating

clearly how the stakeholders will function within the various allotted jurisdictions and implemented
through adherence of observing any regulatory anomalies which may be derived from meanings or
interpretations contained therein without exclusions. The Charity's founders are focused on the
implementation of collaborative networks to assist in delivering the stakeholders objectives, and will
accept responsibilities of a duty of care with any direct or indirect action arising from the said
activities, of the Charity's obligations to the commissioner's office, both in the UK and the Federal
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia with representation for The Charities and Societies Agency and
transparency of the Proclamation No 334/2003 as amended to " exercise the powers of registration
and authentication of documents with regard to Charitable